Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Towards a safer World through knowledge

I was Finance major in Bangladesh before coming in the USA to complete my Junior and Senior years. When I was studying in a public university in Bangladesh in Finance, I had to take courses only on finance, or courses related to business which was logical to me. After coming in Ashland University, I chose to do major in Finance and Economics. But the university register said that I also had to take some courses under “institutional requirement” besides courses in my majors. I had to take courses on Religion, though I’m Finance major! I was surprised, and also frustrated. Why does a Finance major should need to take religion course? It did not make sense to me. I am PROUD to be a Muslim. Bangladesh is a moderate Muslim country, according to the US Dept. of states, where women work outside with men in every sector. About 90 percent of its population is Muslim. For last 16 years, two women were in power and I don’t see any opportunity that in next 10 years any man will be in power in Bangladesh! The literacy rate is higher among the women. We the students in Bangladesh have to take at least one religion course in every school year until 11th grade. Actually, I had to take two religion courses every year as I was in a school which was more religious. Though I am from a moderate Muslim country, when I was in Bangladesh, I used hate Israel and Jews people. My family members friends also, and I guess all Bangladeshi Muslims have the same feelings towards Israel and Jews people, like me. But, I didn’t know why we hate them. I only knew that I hate them because others hate them. When I went to Mosque, Imam (the prayer leader) used to say that it’s our duty as a Muslim to hate Jews in his Khutba (Islamic sermon delivered before Friday prayers). Even our most liberal Media is against Israel and its existence. They also have the same view towards the West. But, after taking 'Exploring World Religion', with Dr. David C Aune, I was surprised. In fact, it was the greatest surprise for me in my life. Professor Dr. Aune thought the class Judaism, first, in this course. I was surprised because Islam shares so many basic things with the Judaism than any other religion in the World; but still we treat each other as enemy. No, we are not enemy to each other. Our ignorance, lack of tolerance, lack of education, absence of respect towards others, bought us in the edge. We need to know our self first. After completing Judaism, the Prof. thought us Islam. And, I know more about Islam now than any other time before, and now I feel myself more religious than before. So many courses on Islam in Bangladesh didn’t teach me ANYTHING. But one chapter for 3 weeks on Islam taught me so many reasons to be a proud Muslim. Now, I know that, according to the history, Jews also have right on the land... they also have some strong logics to exist. And the world reality says that nobody (even not Ahmedinezad!) will be able to eliminate them like Hitler. So, to solve the problem in Middle East, Muslims need to be RATIONAL, i.e. to live together in the same land, peacefully. So my experience is we don’t need to shut-down religious schools in Muslim countries; we need to adopt a modern education system where students will also learn, with other things, about other religious perspectives. It will help us to think rationally. It will increase respect and tolerance towards others, and reduce the hatred feelings to each other. It will also help us to build a common ground for Muslim countries and for the West for Dialogue and; thus, the world will be safer. I do not hate Israel or the Jews people anymore; a course in Ashland University Changed my view, and we can do the same thing in Bangladesh or in other countries.

1 comment:

FinMaster said...

thanks for your valuable comments. I want to add something with it:
1) I was never been in Israel...and i even dont have any jews friend. But I believe that i know Muslim Phychology as myself is a Muslim. Moreover, More than 90% people in Bangladesh is Muslim...As i dont know much about Jews or Israel, thus, i didnot make any comment about them in my blog.
2) Israel is one of the first few countries in the world that wanted to recognize Bangladesh as an independent country. but Bangladesh didnot accept their recognition. Because, if Bangladesh, accept Israel's recognition, it wont get support from other Muslim countries. Even, now Bnagladesh doesnot have any diplomatic relation with Irael. Few years ago the government wanted to make a friendship with israel, but they failed because of the pressure from the Middle-east and the people of it's own. So,Your information that Israel didnot recognize Bangladesh as a f=Independent country is WRONG. Bangladeshis, in general, hate jews and Israel, because of Israel-Palestine relation and also wrong explanation of Islam.
I would like to have more comments from you. Thanks.